Journal Publications


P.-C. Lin*, C.-C. Yu, H.-T. Wu, Y.-W. Lu, C.-L. Han, A.-K. Su, Y.-J. Chen*, C.-C. Lin* “A Chemically Functionalized Magnetic Nanoplatform for Rapid and Specific Biomolecular Recognition and Separation” Biomacromolecules, 2013, 14, 160-168. html (SCI impact factor:5.738; 5-Year IF:5.941, ranking: 6/87 (Q1) in polymer science)
L. Yi, Y.-X. Chen, P.-C. Lin, Schröder H, C.-M. Niemeyer, Y.-W. Wu, R.-S. Goody, G. Triola*, H. Waldmann* “Direct immobilization of oxyamine-modified proteins from cell lysates.” Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 10829-10831. html
R.-P. Obena, P.-C. Lin, Y.-W. Lu, I.-C. Li, F. Del Mundo, S. D. Arco, G.M. Nuesca, C.-C. Lin*, Y.-J. Chen, “Iron oxide nanomatrix facilitating metal ionization in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.” Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 9337–9343. html
H.-T. Wu, C.-C. Hsu, C.-F. Tsai, P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Lin* and Y.-J. Chen,” Nanoprobe based Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography for Enhanced Enrichment of Multiply Phosphorylated Peptides” Proteomics, 2011, 11, 2639–2653. html
W.-C. Chen, P.-C. Lin, C.-H. Chen, C.-T. Chen “Modulation of Photoswitching Profiles by 10,11-Dialkoxymethyl Substituents in C2-Symmetric Dibenzosuberane-Based Helicenes” Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 43, 12822–12830. html
M.-C. Tseng, R. Obena, Y.-W. Lu, P.-C. Lin, P.-Y. Lin, Y.-S. Yen, J.-T. Lin, L.-D. Huang, K.-L. Lu, L.-L. Lai, C.-C. Lin, Y.-J. Chen “Dihydrobenzoic Acid Modified Nanoparticle as a MALDI-TOF MS Matrix for Soft Ionization and Structure Determination of Small Molecules with Diverse Structures” J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 2010, 11, 1930–1939.html
D. Weinrich, P.-C. Lin, P. Jonkheijm, H. Schröder, C. M. Niemeyer, K. Alexandrov, H. Waldmann. “Oriented Immobilization of Farnesylated Proteins by Thiol-Ene Reaction” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49,1252–1257. html
P.-C. Lin, D. Weinrich, H. Waldmann “Protein Biochips: Oriented Surface Immobilization of Proteins” Marcromol. Chem. Phys. 2010, 211, 136–144. hmtl
P.-C. Lin, A. K. Adak, S.-H. Ueng, L.-D. Huang, K.-T. Huang, C.-C. Lin*, “ DAST-Mediated Regioselective Anomeric Group Migration in Saccharides” J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 4041–4048.hmtl
P.-C. Lin, S.-H. Chen, M.-L. Chen, A. Kumar Adak, Y.-J. Chen* and C.-C. Lin*, “Fabrication of Oriented Antibody-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoprobes and Their Immunoaffinity Application” Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 8774–8782 html
P.-C. Lin, H.-T. Wu, K.-Y. Wang, Y.-J. Chen, C.-C. Lin, “Development and Application of Functionalized Nanoparticles on Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Target Biomolecules” Instruments Today, 2008, 29, 68. (in Taiwan) html
K.-Y. Wang, S.-A. Chuang, P.-C. Lin, S.-H. Chen, L.-S. Huang, C.-C. Lin, and Y.-J. Chen* “Multiplexed Immunoassay: Quantitation and Profiling of Serum Biomarkers Using Magnetic Nanoprobes and MALDI-TOF MS” Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 6159–6167. html
P.-H. Shih, J.-Y. Shiu, P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Lin, T. Veres, P. Chen “On chip sorting of bacterial cells using sugar-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles” J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 103, 07A316. html
C.-C. Yu, P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Lin* “Site-specific CMP-sialic acid synthetase Immobilized Magnetic Nanoparticle in the synthesis of CMP-sialic acid” Chem. Commun. 2008, 0, 1308–1310. html
T.-C. Chiu, L.-S. Huang, P.-C. Lin, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, C.-C. Lin, H.-T. Chang, “Nanomaterial Based Affinity Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Biomolecules and Pathogenic Bacteria” Recent patents on Nanotechnology, 2007, 1, 99–111. html
P.-C. Lin, S.-H. Ueng, S.-C. Yu, M.-D. Jan, A. K. Adak, C.-C. Yu, C.-C. Lin* “Surface Modification of Magnetic Nanoparticle via Cu(I)-Catalyzed Alkyne-azide [2 + 3] Cycloaddition” Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 2131–2134. html
P.-C. Lin, M.-C. Tseng, A.-K. Su, Y.-J. Chen*, C.-C. Lin* “Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Small-Molecule Isolation, Identification, and Quantification” Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 3401–3408. html
P.-C. Lin, S.-H. Ueng, M.-C. Tseng, J.-L. Ko, K.-T. Huang, S.-C. Yu, A. K. Adak, Y.-J. Chen, C.-C. Lin,* “Site-Specific Protein Modification through CuI-Catalyzed 1,2,3-Triazole Formation and Its Implementation in Protein Microarray Fabrication“ Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4286–4290. html
P.-C. Lin, P.-H. Chou, S.-H. Chen, H.-K. Liao, K.-Y. Wang, Y.-J. Chen, C.-C. Lin* “Ethylene Glycol-Protected Magnetic Nanoparticles for a Multiplexed Immunoassay in Human Plasma” Small, 2006, 2,485–489. html
P.-H. Chou, S.-H. Chen, H.-K. Liao, P.-C. Lin, G.-R. Her, Alan C.-Y. Lai, J.-H. Chen, C.-C. Lin*, Y.-J. Chen* “Nanoprobe-Based Affinity Mass Spectrometry for Selected Protein Profiling in Human Plasma” Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 5990–5997. html