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Who we are and what we're gonna do?
We are organic chemists who heavily addicted to the understanding of all relationships between small molecules and biomacromolecules ! We are trying to get a clear understanding of ligand-protein and protein-protein interactions, particularly for those proteins bearing post-translational modification. To this end, several new synthetic methods have been developed and successfully used in the construction of bioactive molecules as well as in the development of bio-orthogonal conjugation.
LPC Group 聚集了一群熱愛化學的夥伴,分分秒秒想挑戰不可能!
Cu/Rh Catalyzed Denitrogneative Annulation

Site-Selective Protein Modification

The Development of New Environment-Sensitive Fluorophore in Bioimaging

Glycan-Directed immobilization of Native Glycoprotein Microarray

New Synthetic Strategy for the preparation of Cyclic Peptides

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